
Gift Workshop Embroidery on Net
95 EUR

Individual workshop · 3h30
In my studio or online


About the workshop: In this workshop, we will begin by observing the Art of Embroidery. This is an experimental workshop where we will explore techniques and materials in a personal and creative manner, though guided. We will embroider a cactus using wool thread and applying basic embroidery stitches. This workshop is suitable for beginners or those with little practice who want to deepen their knowledge of the technique.

All materials are included.

Support materials: Supplementary materials such as wool, scissors, tape, stitch samples, and embroidery examples will be available during the session.

Gift Workshop Embroidery on Net



Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Not applicable to other events. Non refundable in cash. Can be used only once. If you want to receive the kit at home, you have to pay the shipping costs. This is a digital voucher you can print if you want.